Gravelometer testing was developed to simulate the chipping damage of stones or the flying objects on the devices that happens daily. Equilam works to satisfy the customer, so we manufacture according to the standards, the gravelometers meet…

Suporte para amostras
The Supporting devices for specimens are fundamental in corrosion testing. The specimens support allows the DUT to be put in a way that does not interfere with the corrosion test results. This avoids dripping from the solution onto the specimen…

Torre de atomização
Salt Spray testing needs a huge control and homogeneity of the fog in the chamber. In our 34 years of corrosion experience, Equilam has developed new technologies to improve testing quality. Through meeting the corrosion standards (ASTM B117,…

Saturador com alta tecnologia
Equilam’s SS and SSe series are fully compliant with corrosion standards (ASTM B117, ISO 9227, JIS Z2371 and others).
As in the following corrosion tests, the chamber must have a bubble tower (humidifying tower), Equilam’s Salt Spray…

Como trabalhar com a Solução Salina
The Salt Spray Test shall have a huge control of the salt solution because it can affects directly the corrosion test, increasing or decreasing the corrosiveness rate, making a distorcing result.
With 34 years on corrosion market knowledge…

Construção da Tampa dos equipamentos
Equilam’s Salt Spray Test Chamber lid is manufactured manually, in fiber glass, with a totally smooth outside and inside to avoid dripping on the specimens. Otherwise, it will result in distorted corrosion test. 100º lid angle meeting all…

Distribuição de Temperatura - Salt Spray
Equilam’s Salt Spray Test Chamber meets ASTM B117, ISO 9227, JIS Z2371 and among others, as following the ASTM B117 construction, the chamber must have a thermometer and thermostat to control the chamber’s heating. Equilam’s Chamber temperature…

Patente -Equilam North America
Equilam’s Corrosion Test Chamber are manufactured manually, entirely in fiberglass, internal cabinet in special fiber glass with high thermal coefficient, due to the patent.
The indirect heating through the water jacket (show in the picture…

ASTM B117 - Testes de Corrosão
In 2002, the annual direct cost of the corrosion in United States was $276 billion.
In 2013 this value had been increased to $ 451.3 billion – approximately 2.7% of GDP.
That’s the reason we develop quality corrosion tests meeting…